How my Concealed Carry Journey Began


I shot my first gun in the summer of 2015. Since my first trip to the range a whole lot has changed. From 2015-2019 shooting was a once a month occasion where I enjoyed plinking at the steal targets with our colt .22 pistol. Who am I kidding though? I still love doing that!
In 2019 my husband and I moved to a town in West Texas, and within the first two months of our arrival a mass shooting occurred at a store near my home.

That woke me up.

I decided that concealed carry was no longer in question, and that I needed to make it a reality in my life. After carrying for several months the crazy of 2020 hit, and I decided that I wanted to become more proficient with my self defense tools. Since then I have been trying to pursue a more active lifestyle and training with my personal self defense tools. Follow along as I work to get more proficient with my firearm and additional self defense tools.