Everything I’m Carrying in 2024

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The last time I posted outlining my carry gear I was still carrying the Glock 48 most of the time, so I figured it's probably about time I post an update! So in this post I'll share about my two primary carry guns, and towards the end I'll get into some of my other daily carry items.

First, I actually have two primary carry guns that I swap back and forth somewhat regularly. I don't swap them just for funnies though, my trusty iron sighted Glock 42 is for outfits that require more effort to conceal in, such as workout clothes or tighter fitting tops in general, and my Sig P365 is for juuuuust about everything else.

So let's get into how I have customized these guns for my needs and how I've set up my Enigmas for each.

Sig P365

For my P365 I have a Boresight Solutions Razorback grip frame, a safety, and a Holosun 507k, the 407k also rocks, it's still on my Glock 48!

The Boresight frame lets me get a much better grip overall. I have a full video on why I use this frame and why it's worth the money for me, but I'll also sum that up for you here. The part that seems to make the biggest difference for me is the bump on the back of the grip. It fills in the hollow or cupped portion of my hand, and as a result, it functions a lot more like a larger grip would without adding bulk that could make concealment more of a challenge. A problem that I've encountered with other aftermarket frames for the P365 is that they aren't compatible with any of the holsters I prefer to use, and I definitely can't use them with my Enigma Express because that only accepts a PHLster skeleton holster. The Boresight Grip is a customized P365 frame that hasn't had any of the critical holster fit features altered such as the trigger guard or the top portion of the frame along the slide.

If you're interested in seeing if this grip shape could improve your shooting comfort and or performance I'd suggest doing what I did. I wadded up some toilet paper to mimic the shape as best I could, and then I taped it to the back of my grip, and wrapped my grip in hockey tape. This really only lasted me two full range trips, but it was enough to know that it made a noticeable difference for me and helped with making the decision to invest in this custom grip module for my daily carry gun. I do have a manual safety on my P365 that I use like I would a striker control device on Glock, or hammer on a DASA gun, really, only when I’m holstering, and sometimes when I'm doing general administrative handling. I’ve shot a little over 5,000 thousand rounds through my P365 without any issues, and I'm pretty happy with my performance with it.

PHLster Enigma Express

To carry the P365 I pretty much exclusively use my customized Enigma Express. And before I get into that any more it's worth mentioning that I am a PHLster employee, but of course, my opinions are my own, and furthermore I wouldn't be using a product all day nearly everyday for the last three years if it didn't suit my needs better than anything else I've been able to find. I started using an Enigma when they launched back in 2020, and back then the only option was the standard enigma. So I have a good amount of experience carrying both the standard enigma and the Express. I like them both for different reasons, and recommend one or the other depending on your specific needs in a carry system. For myself personally, I've been reaching for the Express since it launched, the soul reason being that the express faceplate is slightly narrower, which is more conducive to my needs because my hips are so narrow.

To customize the Express I went ahead and swapped out the magnetic fidlock buckle for the reduced size buckle. Which helped me reduce the overall footprint of the Enigma even further which was a great help for keeping any of the hard holster parts off of my hip bones. For most people that isn't an issue, I'm just an outlier in terms of size so I have to put a little bit more effort into customizing things to fit my frame, including clothing. Next I added an extra small sport belt. I initially was using the small size, but the extra small was actually a pretty noticeable comfort swap for me. There's a reason the fit guide says to go with the smaller of the two sizes if you find yourself right on the edge or between two sizes. The sport belt helped me address a couple discomfort issues that I've unfortunately encountered with every method of IWB carry, whether I'm carrying with a normal belt, or an enigma, and that is lower back pain. I'm convinced that the lower back pain comes from a lack of mobility that I experience when I wear belts that can't stretch, the same thing happens with my competition belt. SO the sport belt not only gives me stretch to address those lower back pain issues, but it also adds a little bit of surface area to distribute the wait of the gun. Lastly, I swapped out the leg leash material. Everyone's skin comfort and tolerance is different, but for me, I find that a gutted paracord material is softer on my skin. PHLster has a full written walkthrough for how to DIY this for yourself. It's super easy and cheap to do at home, you can also pick up the DIY kit from Henry Holsters or PHLster Holsters for cheap.

The last thing I'll mention about this is that I almost always wear a fabric layer of some kind between my skin and my enigma slash gun. Sometimes that means I'm wearing a tank top, and other times that means wearing high waisted underwear, which I have a whole video on right here. Eitherway, my skin is generally on the more sensitive side of things, so I like to keep some kind of barrier between it and my carry gear.

Glock 42

Moving on to my Glock 42. This was actually the very first gun I carried, and let me tell you, this little gun rocks. It's easier for me to conceal than my P365 because it's thinner, which is a really crucial dimension for concealment purposes specifically on body types with a low body fat percentage. It's also easier because it doesn't have an optic on it. Admittedly I'm not as fast with my Glock 42 because of this, but that slight degradation in speed is worth the increase in concealment for the specific contexts that I use it for.

For customizing this little gun I've added a striker control device, which isn't currently being sold for the .380. I purchased my SCD before Tau Development Group stopped making them, so unfortunately right now, the only way you can get one of these is to find someone who is selling theirs. Oh, and lastly, on both my carry guns I use hockey tape over the grip to help lock my grip in on the gun.

I also carry the Glock 42 in an Enigma Express with the same customizations, a reduced size buckle, a sport belt, and a gutted paracord leg leash.

Less Lethal + Medical Supplies

Now that we are through the GUNS I carry on the regular, let's quickly go over my other carry items. These haven't changed in years. Everything I carry in my purse for trauma medical is the same, although it's been swapped out for new ones over the years. The PHLster PEW kit is no longer being made, so it's probably time I try something else so that I can recommend another great compact trauma medical kit for your purse or pocket. My PEW kit currently contains quick clot gauze, pressure bandage, gloves, and mini chest seals. In addition to that I have a CAT tourniquet. I prefer this tourniquet because it's super easy to use for one handed application, and fairly intuitive. The size ins't really an issue for me because I carry it in my purse.

The next item on the list is my handheld flashlight. For this application I swap between a Modlite OKW or PLH-V2. I'll be honest, my flashlight gets left home or in my vehicle from time to time. If I run out of space in my small purse and its the middle of the day, that's the first tool I'll leave behind, but if we are planning to be out in the evening or for most of the day then I'll have one of my mod lights or cloud lights in my bag.

Lastly but certainly not least-ily? would be my POM oc spray. This is always with me unless I totally goofed and accidentally left it at home. I never intentionally leave this behind, besides my flashlight it's my most used, and most USEFUL tool that I carry. No, I've never had to use this on a human before and Lord willing I'll never have to, but boy has this come in handy for keeping stray dogs away. Fortunately I've never had to directly spray a dog, but I have left a trail of oc puffs to keep unknown and unaccompanied dogs from following me. I learned that lesson after being chased home by two dogs when we still lived in El Paso, and ever since then my oc and I have been inseparable. If you don't carry oc, even for the soul purpose of deterring stray animals, you might want to seriously consider it.

Annnnnd that's pretty much everything! Occasionally I have chapstick, maybe lip stick. No, I still don't carry a knife of any kind. Although a utility style knife makes a whole lot of sense to carry, I would have to increase the size of my bag to bring that along, and I simply haven't encountered enough situations where I've missed a knife while I'm out and about to go through the process of changing my purse.

So...that's what I carried in 2023, and exactly what I plan to carry in 2024! Maybe I'll see you again in 2025 with some changes...or not! What are you carrying right now, and is there anything that you're considering changing or adding at the moment?

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