Summer Outfit

If you’re just getting started with concealed carry, welcome! This is the best time of year to start concealing because it’s winter, and so many concealment issues you may be dealing with can be hidden by a cozy sweater or winter coat. Although, summer will start to roll around and you’ll begin to see that tank tops and fitted tees aren’t exactly conducive to concealment.

Concealing in fitted clothing vs. flowy tops can be two very different things. It can be really helpful, especially when you’re first starting out, to pick up some cute flowy tops at the store, but let’s talk about how to conceal in more fitted clothing.

Here I’m wearing a fitted (not skin tight, but not flowy) tank top and fitted high waisted jeans. The enigma is helping me to achieve this by tucking the grip of the gun nice and close to my body. Tucking the grip in plays a MAJOR role in concealment, but I have to add that I could not achieve this look while carrying my Glock 48. The 48 is large enough on my frame that in clothing this tight it tends to print in one way or another. If you want to conceal in clothing that is this fitted it is important to consider what holster you’re choosing, what fabrics you’re wearing, and the size of your gun. I do not say this to encourage you to get a tiny gun, but I will say that it has been nice having a Glock 42 (or 43) to throw on with outfits like this. I still have a gun, but I am compromising in ways like capacity and not having a red dot. Some people might be able to hide a G48 in an outfit like this, but with my frame, the G42 is my “easy button”.

You can conceal and still wear what you want, but there may be small compromises to consider in order to achieve that. Not always, but the possibility is there.


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