A Mothers Concealed Carry Journey

Today I’m featuring my older sister. Mama of three, wife, friend and sister. I wanted to introduce you to her because she can offer a different perspective on concealed carrying with both her lifestyle and her body type!
As a mother of three she decided early on in her concealed carry journey that she wanted to learn how to conceal in a kydex holster. She naturally gravitated toward the appendix carry position because of its quick access and manageability. She always knows where it is in relation to her kiddos, and there’s no wiggle room for negligence. There’s a round in the chamber, retention in the holster, solid trigger coverage and she can get a solid grip on her gun because she doesn’t allow it to get buried into her waistband.
When it’s not on her body it is locked in a safe away from her kiddos. Although they discuss gun safety in their home it is still wise to lock your loaded guns away. Kids get curious regardless of how much you trust them.
For this particular outfit she’s wearing a cashmere T-shirt and @blackorchiddenim high rise jeans with a @tier1concealed Axis Slim for her Glock 42. She has experimented with other holsters using the fabriclip, but is really starting to enjoy the fact that @discreetcarryconcepts allows her to wear a belt or go beltless without having to change her clips 👌🏻


Pregnancy Concealed Carry (Fall/Winter Edition)


DON’T Bury the Grip of your Gun