Pregnancy Concealed Carry (Fall/Winter Edition)
This is a friend of mine who is about have baby number two! 🎉 She is 30 weeks.
Carrying while pregnant is not something that she has felt particularly comfortable with, and going into this photoshoot I did not feel the need to MAKE it work. I only wanted to try, and I hoped that we could find a comfortable and safe solution for her. Previously she has really only purse carried. After we situated the T1-Echo holster (Thank you to Tier 1 for providing this holster for this photoshoot!) and Glock 42 onto her hip with @discreetcarryconcepts I asked her to answer me very honestly, “It’s secure, you can safely draw it, but are you actually comfortable?” And I was actually surprised when she said that she was so comfortable that she would gladly wear that holster all day long! She also had absolutely no problem concealing this!
The way that the holster is angled it pushes the grip of the gun nice and close to your body so she had no issues with printing whatsoever!
She wore her normal belly band (Target: Ingrid & Isabel Maternity) and maternity leggings as well (Amazon: Vocni Maternity Leggings), so she didn’t need to buy any special apparel to make this set up work. We just rolled down the strong elastic on her leggings and that kept the holster very secure. I think a great level of comfort came from her additional support belly band underneath her leggings, which helped to keep the feeling of kydex/gun grip off of her skin.