Dry Fire Talks
I did some much needed dry fire today with the enigma and my 48, just short and sweet really, but still really beneficial. If all you have is 5 minutes, that’s cool. Just make sure you’re practicing the RIGHT habits. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “Practice makes PERMANENT, not perfect.” I would strongly encourage you to treat your dry fire the same way you treat live fire. Obviously you’re pulling the trigger in dry fire, but are you keeping your gun pointed in a safe direction regardless of the FACT that it’s completely empty? Are you getting frustrated and not holstering safely? Are you actually getting a good sight picture on your target before pulling the trigger? Practicing mindlessly without intention is worse than just not practicing in my opinion.
One thing I found myself doing when I first started “dry firing” was doing it in the mirror 🤣 Sure, there’s a place for that, it can help you visualize your mechanics, but be honest with yourself...you’re doing it in front of the mirror because you look cool and it’s fun to see yourself look cool 🤣 just me? K.
Above all, be safe, learn, grow and have fun doing it! It can be frustrating at times, but when you push through, and make improvements...it’s SO worth it.