Fitting a Gun into your Life
You’re a concealed carrier, but for most of us, that’s not our whole life, just a small part of it.
The vast majority of us want to fit a gun into our life, not fit our life around a gun. There are certain things that have to change when we introduce a gun into our lives. We have to learn how to handle it safely, shoot it proficiently, store it securely and conceal it appropriately. It seems like a short list, but once we dip our toes into each of those spaces we learn that the water is MUCH deeper than we ever would have suspected. At least that’s been my experience. Even still though, I think investing time into each of those things is what marks a responsible gun owner and concealed carrier.
Fitting a gun into our lives is a major responsibility, and I have respect for those who take pause when considering adding a lethal tool into their everyday life. It’s something that should cause us to think deeply and consider the responsibility as there is little to no margin for error with such a tool. What are YOU doing to sharpen your skills this month, or learn something new? Something as simple as learning and practicing new skills through an online course, reading a book, or even buying a proper safe for storage when its off your body. Small steps are still steps, keep on moving, keep on growing on this journey, but don’t get too caught up and lose sight of the life and the loved ones that surround you.