My Concealed Carry Insurance (CCW Safe)
Today we are talking Concealed Carry Insurance:
There’s a number of really great options out there, but I’m actually not going to address that in depth today. It’s really something you should research for yourself and come to a conclusion based on your personal needs.
The likelihood of being involved in a self defense encounter feels as if it’s increasing. Especially for my family and friends in Oregon. The civil unrest seems to be heating up and just last night I encouraged my entire family to go purchase insurance, and they did. We all chose different options for our different needs, but I want to encourage all of you to look into making this purchase as well.
Reasons to purchase Concealed Carry Insurance:
-Lawyer retainer fees
-Bail Bonds
-Criminal defense assistance
-Civil defense assistance
-Up front or deferred compensation
-Possible conviction and sentencing
-Potential civil liability for pain, suffering, damages
There are many more reasons to get concealed carry insurance, these were just a few.
My husband and I went with CCW Safe because of their coverage and military discount. Most of the rest of my family has gone with USCCA, and I’ve heard really great things about their services.
Warrior Poet did a great video on this topic last year called: Carry Protection & Which One I Chose. Go check it out.
***I am NOT a legal expert