One Month of Jiu Jitsu

One month of BJJ:

If you had told me a year ago that I would be taking Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes I would have laughed at you. Over the last year I’ve been consistently taking small steps to push the perimeters of my comfort zone. BJJ was far beyond my comfort zone last year, but the more applications I saw for it the more I wanted to get involved.

Last month I sat in and watched a class, met the instructor, talked with him about his classes and his training, and finally attended a few free classes to get a feel for it. I was hooked on day one. Practicing BJJ has been the most fun I’ve had in a VERY long time. I look forward to my classes every week, and always leave having learned something new and having obtained new blisters, cuts and bruises haha. It’s certainly not a walk in the park, but it has been very rewarding and overall very healthy for my mind and body to jump into this new experience.

It also happens to be an awesome form of exercise. I’ve been sore this month in ways I’ve never been sore before, and I feel myself getting stronger. I hope this is something I can practice for the long term. Have you considered adding in different forms of training into your routine as a self defender?

***for those versed in the world of BJJ, I realize the green Gi may or may not be frowned upon, I’m new at this and my gym does not have a Gi color preference 💕


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