Your gun, holster, clips and foundation MATTER
⚠️Disclaimer: NEVER CATCH A FALLING GUN. This is an excellent holster. These are excellent clips. Your carry setup is only as secure as its weakest link ⚠️
The short message is that everything matters. Your gun, holster, clips and foundation (belt or waistband) all matter. If you are carrying beltless with a good holster and clips, PLEASE pay attention to your waistband foundation! It is likely your weakest link.
In this particular instance you can see the difference in the two videos:
Video 1: Single clip, heavy gun, and stretchy jeans. Video 2: Two clips, lighter gun, and tight/non stretch jeans. You can even see me wince in pain from the holster jabbing me as I tried to remove it, it didn’t hurt in the first video. As you can see all of those factors play together to allow you to carry without a belt. **keep in mind this can still produce an inconsistent drawing pattern**
A poor foundation can lead to negative outcomes ranging from poor concealment, to your gun falling out of your pants in public, to your attacker gaining easier access to your firearm (entanglement).
Personally I have found that the enigma solves all of these problems for me, so I no longer have an application for this kind of carry set up besides maybe around the house. If you are trying to work out beltless carry I would just like to say that it IS doable (not optimal) but you must be mindful of your weakest link.
These images show a possible negative outcome: ⚠️NEVER CATCH A FALLING GUN⚠️